Let your users ask “What’s my next step?” – a very useful AI addition to your apps

by Patrick Lee on 30 Apr 2019 in categories BigData tech with tags LUIS natural language processing

(This is taken from work I have done on InQA's WebPocketMoney website, using Microsoft's LUIS, Language Understanding Intelligent Services).

One example of how #AI can make it easier for your staff, customers or suppliers to interact with your software tools is to add a combined”Next Step / Tell me what you want to do” facility.

This uses natural language processing (NLP) combined with knowledge of who the user is (and what their role is, e.g. whether they are a member of staff, a customer, or a supplier, or a user with admin rights for example) and the context (which page or part of the app they are on, and what data they have stored in the system), to add two powerful new ways for the user to interact (with minimal training) with the app:

What’s my next step?

On any page, simply clicking the Go button asks the system “What’s my next step?”. The system then look intelligently at the user’s identity, role, data and location within the app and makes one or more suggestions as to what the user could usefully do next to make the most of the app.

For a couple of examples, please see here.