Blog posts in category: actuarial
IFoA travel time to Fellowship: no evidence from the sample that actuarial science graduates/masters qualify any quicker
by Patrick Lee on 01 May 2023 in categories actuarial with tags lifelong learning ifoa maths
There is no evidence (at least from this sample of 307 Fellows) that actuarial science graduates or masters students qualify any quicker than students who do other degrees and don't do an actuarial science masters. This is likely to be of concern both to the IFoA and the universities offering such courses. Once again I urge the IFoA to be transparent and publish a detailed study using its full dataset.
The IFoA long qualification process: some evidence that it is slightly longer for women (by about half a year)
by Patrick Lee on 01 May 2023 in categories actuarial with tags lifelong learning ifoa maths
Here are the results split by sex in table form: Distribution of Fellowship Travel Time by Sex and graphically, first via histograms: Histograms of Fellowship travel time by sex and secondly by Box Whisker charts (the blue shaded boxes show the interquartile range, which really ought to be what the ...
Time to qualify as an IFoA actuary: how long it really takes in practice
by Patrick Lee on 01 May 2023 in categories actuarial with tags ifoa lifelong learning maths
A summary of the analysis I carried out on a sample of the 2020 to 2022 new qualifiers (Associates and Fellows) of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries. Associate Travel time: median 5.54 years, mean 6.71 years. Fellow Travel time: median 6.63 years, mean 7.42 years.
IFoA Roulette, or "Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya, punk?"
by Patrick Lee on 01 May 2023 in categories actuarial with tags ifoa lifelong learning maths
Further to my previous article with an analysis of the time taken to qualify by recent (2020-2022) new Fellows and Associates of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries, you can try a simulation of how long it might take you to qualify here.
An Excel VBA multiple decrement model of IFoA membership (v1)
by Patrick Lee on 10 Sep 2022 in categories actuarial with tags modelling VBA Excel
Here is the first version of an Excel VBA program to model the membership of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (or any similar professional body). It may be freely used by others under the Creative Commons License. I have produced this in an attempt to help actuaries and others ...
Working towards a Pensions Dashboard
by Patrick Lee on 08 May 2022 in categories actuarial BigData pensions tech with tags pensionsdashboard dashboard
I am creating a prototype, suitable for use with the UK's Pensions Dashboard project. Early days, but have made good progress so far! More in due course.
Some Microsoft Professional certifications passed
by Patrick Lee on 01 May 2022 in categories actuarial tech with tags CSharp lifelong learning Azure
Both last year and this year I took (and passed) a Microsoft exam (I suppose the equivalent of CPD - Continuing Professional Development). Last year it was Programming in C# (certification: here ), and this year it was Microsoft Certified: Azure Developer Associate (certification: here ).
The IFoA's new website has a terrible search facility - here are two ways you can search it much more effectively
by Patrick Lee on 30 Apr 2022 in categories actuarial tech with tags Google search
The new website's search facility is of little practical use The Institute and Faculty of Actuaries has recently upgraded its website, with a new look. Unfortunately, the search facility is far worse than it was before. For example, if you search for "member pledge" you currently get this result: We ...
My software engineering portfolio: some screenshots
by Patrick Lee on 07 Oct 2020 in categories actuarial tech with tags cashflow projection natural language processing LUIS AzureQueues NoSQL WPF SQLAzure React Azure ASP.NET Core Telerik Blazor AzureFunctions Azure Data Factory crime
This shows an embedded slideshow from my Smugmug site of my work on various software projects.
New version (4.0) available of David Wilkie's Covid19 model
by Patrick Lee on 10 Apr 2020 in categories actuarial with tags COVID19
David Wilkie has just published a new version (4.0) of his model for the Covid19 virus, it is available under the 10 April 2020 entry on . This version allows longer delays between infection, symptoms appearing, cases being reporting, and deaths.