Blog posts tagged with: AI
AI Agents: very important in 2025
by Patrick Lee on 01 Feb 2025 in categories tech with tags Agents AI
I've been exploring AI Agents recently and they look extremely promising. More on this in due course.
Microsoft LUIS apps: deprecated in favour of CLU and difficult to migrate, but still work! (for now)
by Patrick Lee on 07 Feb 2023 in categories tech with tags AI CLU LUIS natural language processing
Microsoft's Natural Language Processing LUIS apps seem to be deprecated in favour of CLU but are currently difficult to migrate. However the LUIS apps still seem to work - for now at least!
Visual Studio 2022: my experience so far
by Patrick Lee on 30 Apr 2022 in categories tech with tags AI Visual Studio 2022
My experience so far of Visual Studio 2022: the good (AI enabled Intellicode, being able to edit and continue during debugging), the bad (some false positive errors, need to revert to Visual Studio 2019 for adding code migrations via Package Manager Console). But overall I like it.
My Journey to Data Science, Big Data and AI
by Patrick Lee on 11 Mar 2020 in categories actuarial with tags AI Azure edX lifelong learning PowerBI Python T-SQL USQL
I gave a presentation to the Channel Islands Actuarial Association earlier today, and a similar one earlier this year to the Staple Inn Actuarial Society. I provided copies of the materials I used to those two Societies, but I have had a few requests for a copy from other people: ...
I just completed Microsoft's Reinforcement Learning Explained course
by Patrick Lee on 01 Jul 2019 in categories BigData tech with tags AI CNTK Jupyter notebooks lifelong learning Python
Yesterday I completed what I have found to be the most demanding course so far on the Microsoft Professional Program for Artificial Intelligence , Reinforcement Learning Explained . It took me 66.5 hours (more than twice as long as previous edX courses have taken me) and my final mark was ...
June 2019: I've been re-elected to IFoA Council - thank you!
by Patrick Lee on 28 Jun 2019 in categories actuarial BigData tech with tags AI
Further to this post , I'm very pleased to have been re-elected to the Council of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries for what will now be my third term (for 3 years from 2019 to 2022). Many thanks to all those who supported me, and indeed all those who ...
I just completed Microsoft's Computer Vision and Image Analysis course
by Patrick Lee on 08 Jun 2019 in categories BigData tech with tags AI CNTK Jupyter notebooks lifelong learning Python
I recently completed the above Microsoft/edX course (full details of the course are here ) with a final mark of 92%. This was my 8th course on the Microsoft Professional Program for Artificial Intelligence, I plan to do my 9th course ( Reinforcement Learning Explained ) during the rest of ...
I just completed Microsoft's DevOps Practices and Principles course
by Patrick Lee on 28 May 2019 in categories BigData tech with tags AI DevOps lifelong learning
I recently completed the above Microsoft/edX course (full details of the course are here ) with a final mark of 95%. Why is DevOps important? Huge increases in efficiency for tech companies #DevOps is the art and science of trying to automate/streamline as much as possible many stages (i.e. humans ...
A few tips to help maximise your marks on online courses (e.g. edX)
by Patrick Lee on 13 May 2019 in categories actuarial BigData tech with tags AI Azure edX lifelong learning OneNote PowerBI Python T-SQL USQL
I have now taken 24 online edX courses, mainly on #DataScience, #BigData and #AI. The pass mark on these has been 70%, but being a bit of a perfectionist, I have always tried for 100%. (After all, would you really want an airline pilot who got things right 70% of ...
I am standing for IFoA Council again
by Patrick Lee on 07 May 2019 in categories actuarial BigData tech with tags AI
Earlier today I submitted my nomination to stand for the Council of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries again. I was on the Council from July 2012 to June 2018, and server on the Management Board from July 2016 to June 2018. The main skill-set I bring to the table ...