Blog posts tagged with: ExcelPowerPivot

My technology certifications

by Patrick Lee on 30 Apr 2019 in categories tech BigData with tags SQLAzure ExcelPowerPivot PowerBI Azure Data Factory Azure Data Lake Microsoft R Server Azure

Below is a slideshow of my software certifications. To see each individual certification in more detail, go to .

Valuing large pension plans more quickly and cost effectively using Azure Functions (Part 1)

by Patrick Lee on 29 Apr 2019 in categories actuarial tech BigData pensions with tags cashflow projection valuation SQLAzure ExcelPowerPivot PowerBI AzureQueues AzureFunctions Azure

Using different Microsoft cloud techniques to perform a financial valuation of large numbers (100,000 or even several million) of UK defined benefit pension plan members via cashflow projections as quickly as possible, but without incurring unnecessary cost.