Blog posts tagged with: .NET 7

EFCore Power Tools is useful in the migration from Entity Framework to Entity Framework Core

by Patrick Lee on 13 Feb 2023 in categories tech with tags .NET 7 migration Azure Entity Framework Core Entity Framework

I was able to migrate a legacy project using .net framework and entity framework to .NET 7 and EFCore relatively easily. EFCore Power Tools was very useful in doing a first draft of model code from the existing database.

This site updated to use .NET 7 rather than .NET 6

by Patrick Lee on 08 Feb 2023 in categories tech with tags .NET 7 migration AzureFunctions

Upgrading a .NET 6 to .NET 7 app service seems very straightforward. Upgrading Azure functions to .NET 7 looks to be a more significant change, and might require some investigation first.

A reminder that .NET 6 (or 7) code can work with Entity Framework 6.3.3 and later, although EF Core is better

by Patrick Lee on 08 Feb 2023 in categories tech with tags .NET 7 Azure legacy Entity Framework Core Entity Framework .NET 6

If your legacy code uses Entity Framework 6.3.3 or later, you don't necessarily need to move to Entity Framework Core at the same time that you move from .net framework 4.7/4.8 to .NET 6 or 7.

If you get TLS 1.0 or 1.1 error, one possibility might be that you are using an older app service that needs migrating to .NET 6 (or at least framework 4.8)

by Patrick Lee on 07 Feb 2023 in categories tech with tags .NET 7 .Net framework TLS Azure

One possible solution to a "You are using TLS version 1.0, 1.1 and/or 3DES cipher which are deprecated" error might be to upgrade any older app services that are using older versions of .net framework.