
Set up a custom Azure dashboard and alerts to monitor the health of your queues

by Patrick Lee on 29 Sep 2019 in categories tech with tags ASP.NET Core Azure AzureFunctions AzureQueues dashboard

Set up a custom dashboard showing the length of your queues One of the common use cases for an Azure function is to run on a timer to check the status of one or more Azure queues. You can do this very easily via an Azure v2 function because these ...

.NET Core 3.0 now available!

by Patrick Lee on 29 Sep 2019 in categories tech with tags ASP.NET Core

Further to this article, Microsoft released .NET Core 3.0 on 23 September.

How to use OneNote to organise notes much better than in e.g. Word

by Patrick Lee on 04 Sep 2019 in categories tech with tags lifelong learning OneNote

Many years ago I switched to using OneNote (part of Microsoft Office) for taking notes, as opposed to Word. After all, that is what OneNote is designed for, whereas Word is designed to be a general word processing tool. If you put your notes in Word, you have to use ...

.NET Core 3.0 release is planned for September 2019!

by Patrick Lee on 05 Jul 2019 in categories BigData tech with tags ASP.NET Core Blazor

Further to my previous post about Blazor see here ) I am excited about the forthcoming release of version 3.0 of .NET Core by Microsoft, expected in September 2019. In particular, not only will this version include Blazor, but it will include support for machine learning. says: NET Core ...

I just completed Microsoft's Reinforcement Learning Explained course

by Patrick Lee on 01 Jul 2019 in categories BigData tech with tags AI CNTK Jupyter notebooks lifelong learning Python

Yesterday I completed what I have found to be the most demanding course so far on the Microsoft Professional Program for Artificial Intelligence , Reinforcement Learning Explained . It took me 66.5 hours (more than twice as long as previous edX courses have taken me) and my final mark was ...

June 2019: I've been re-elected to IFoA Council - thank you!

by Patrick Lee on 28 Jun 2019 in categories actuarial BigData tech with tags AI

Further to this post , I'm very pleased to have been re-elected to the Council of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries for what will now be my third term (for 3 years from 2019 to 2022). Many thanks to all those who supported me, and indeed all those who ...

I just completed Microsoft's Computer Vision and Image Analysis course

by Patrick Lee on 08 Jun 2019 in categories BigData tech with tags AI CNTK Jupyter notebooks lifelong learning Python

I recently completed the above Microsoft/edX course (full details of the course are here ) with a final mark of 92%. This was my 8th course on the Microsoft Professional Program for Artificial Intelligence, I plan to do my 9th course ( Reinforcement Learning Explained ) during the rest of ...

I just completed Microsoft's DevOps Practices and Principles course

by Patrick Lee on 28 May 2019 in categories BigData tech with tags AI DevOps lifelong learning

I recently completed the above Microsoft/edX course (full details of the course are here ) with a final mark of 95%. Why is DevOps important? Huge increases in efficiency for tech companies #DevOps is the art and science of trying to automate/streamline as much as possible many stages (i.e. humans ...

I have just rejoined the Committee of the Wessex Actuarial Society as President

by Patrick Lee on 28 May 2019 in categories actuarial BigData insurance with tags lifelong learning networking volunteering

Further to this post about my standing for Council of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries, I am very pleased to announce that today I have rejoined the Committee of the Wessex Actuarial Society as its President. I look forward to working with the rest of the Committee and the ...

Microsoft Professional Program for Big Data: my journey (Oct 2017 - Apr 2019)

by Patrick Lee on 22 May 2019 in categories actuarial BigData with tags Azure Data Factory Azure Data Lake dashboard lifelong learning Microsoft R Server NoSQL PowerBI Python SQLAzure T-SQL USQL

I was very pleased to complete this program (a series of 10 courses) in April 2019, working in my spare time. Overview The 10 courses were: Microsoft Professional Orientation: Big Data (completed Oct 2017) Analyse and Visualize Data (completed on the Data Science program in July 2017) Work with NoSQL ...

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