A little program to automate reformatting edX video transcript files more nicely
by Patrick Lee on 17 May 2019 in categories actuarial BigData tech with tags edX lifelong learning
Further to my previous post with tips about doing online edX courses, where I recommended downloading the transcript files of key course videos, you will usually find that by default when you copy and paste the content of the text (.txt) files into your (OneNote) notes, they aren't formatted very ...
A few tips to help maximise your marks on online courses (e.g. edX)
by Patrick Lee on 13 May 2019 in categories actuarial BigData tech with tags AI Azure edX lifelong learning OneNote PowerBI Python T-SQL USQL
I have now taken 24 online edX courses, mainly on #DataScience, #BigData and #AI. The pass mark on these has been 70%, but being a bit of a perfectionist, I have always tried for 100%. (After all, would you really want an airline pilot who got things right 70% of ...
Valuing large pension plans more quickly and cost effectively using Azure Functions (Part 2)
by Patrick Lee on 08 May 2019 in categories actuarial pensions with tags cashflow projection maths valuation
In Part 1 , I wrote: When done accurately and before any clever processing, the number of cashflows produced can easily run into the millions , and for a large pension plan, into the billions . (When I have time, I plan to explain why, and talk about some of ...
I am standing for IFoA Council again
by Patrick Lee on 07 May 2019 in categories actuarial BigData tech with tags AI
Earlier today I submitted my nomination to stand for the Council of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries again. I was on the Council from July 2012 to June 2018, and server on the Management Board from July 2016 to June 2018. The main skill-set I bring to the table ...
How to add Tag and Category Clouds to a blog running ButterCMS
by Patrick Lee on 04 May 2019 in categories tech with tags ASP.NET Core AzureFunctions AzureTables ButterCMS
Popular self-service blog platforms like WordPress allow to you add Tag Clouds via adding what they call a widget to a sidebar. I wanted to add one to this site (which is a standard ASP.NET Core 2.2 webapp, but modified to use ButterCMS as a blog backend) and after checking ...
Microsoft .NET 4.8 available since 18 April 2019
by Patrick Lee on 03 May 2019 in categories tech with tags .NET
It doesn't come up as an option in the current latest release version of Visual Studio 2019 (v 16.0.3), but ,NET 4.8 (as opposed to 4.72) has apparently been available since 18 April 2019. See . From that page: NET Framework 4.8 builds on previous versions of the .NET ...
Telerik have released Telerik UI for Blazor 1.0
by Patrick Lee on 02 May 2019 in categories tech with tags Blazor Telerik
Further to my previous post which used the Preview version of Telerik's UI (user interface components) for Blazor, earlier today they released the first live version of it: see their blog post . I look forward to using this soon.
Maths silent failure problems (treatment of divide by zero, log 0 etc) are also present in .NET Core 3 Preview
by Patrick Lee on 02 May 2019 in categories tech with tags ASP.NET Core maths
Further to this post , the exact same behaviour (as for .NET Core 2.2) is observed in .NET Core 3 Preview.
Some maths problems from .NET 4.72 and earlier are still present in .NET Core 2.2, also Dictionary problem in .NET 4.72
by Patrick Lee on 01 May 2019 in categories tech with tags ASP.NET 4.72 ASP.NET Core dictionary maths
For many years, I and colleagues have been aware that the treatment of maths in .NET (and even before that in C++) can lead to code FAILING SILENTLY. That is: the code stops working normally, but instead of stopping and letting the user know that there is a problem, it ...
Let your users ask “What’s my next step?” – a very useful AI addition to your apps
by Patrick Lee on 30 Apr 2019 in categories BigData tech with tags LUIS natural language processing
One example of how #AI can make it easier for your staff, customers or suppliers to interact with your software tools is to add a combined ”Next Step / Tell me what you want to do” facility. This ...